Leadership, Team work, Comfort at Home
Our symbol mark, white peony, shows the fact that we highly value leadership, teamwork, and patients’/families’ comfort at home.
In Japan, it has been said, depicting a sophisticated, beautiful woman metaphorically, “(She is similar to) peony when she stands up, while (she is similar to) lily during she is walking.”In the same way as the sophisticated, beautiful woman depicted as peony, we would like to stand up as a leader altruistically for our patients, families, local communities, and Japan as a whole ultimately. In other words, we selected peony as our organizational symbol because we highly value leadership closely linked with altruism.
The reasons why we selected white as the peony’s color is that we would like to be good team workers for both patients/families and our colleagues working in local communities. White can be dyed with any other colors, so whenever we see the white on our symbol peony, we recall that we have flexibility in collaborating with any type of people and never force excessively others to follow our own values, styles, and policies. Rather, we capitalize on other team members’ strength, flourishing their color, by changing our own color ~our values, styles and polices~ flexibly as long as it is beneficial to patients/families.
Finally, our symbol white peony expresses our professional determination that reduces not only physical pain, but also psychosocial and spiritual pain, leading to comfort for patients/families. Roots of peony have been used as analgetics and antiphlogistic, containing effective components for pharmaceuticals prescribed as part of Eastern medicine. We selected white peony as our organizational symbol, engraving our professionalism onto it.